
Green Rubber

Web Design @ Bike Bear

Project Overview

Green Rubber Group is a company that specializes in the recycling of used rubber tires. They use a proprietary process called DeLink to de-vulcanize rubber tires, which allows them to be recycled into new rubber products. Green Rubber Group's process is more environmentally friendly than traditional tire disposal methods, such as burning or landfilling. Burning tires releases harmful pollutants into the air, and landfilling tires takes up valuable space and can pollute the environment over time. The recycled rubber can be used in a variety of products, including shoe soles, tires, and building materials. This helps to reduce the demand for new rubber, which is made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource.

The Objective of this redesign is to enhance user experience by creating a user-friendly and intuitive website that is easy to navigate and understand. Prioritize user needs and preferences, ensuring seamless interactions and a positive overall experience.

Project Status: Completed

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